Monday, August 29, 2011

How I wished Sunday never ended!

Since Saturday have been thinking of how interesting will be my Sunday. No football planned nothing else planned except for one event that remained in my mind.
Come Sunday morning and was up early and eager to be where i should be. Pushing my son Rachit out of the bed and off to his class test. He was a little confused, wondering why his father is so hyped about. I could understand this feeling of his. Even if i have spoken to him many times about my younger days he still could not visualise the pleasure of meeting the childhood friends because most of his childhood friends are still his friends and are in touch. I leave it to time to make him understand this complexity, or should i say, aspect of life.
Time to go and he tells me to change my attire, twice over. Logic being, i am meeting my childhood friends and i should look good. His urgency to leave home fast made me feel that my excitement was catching up with him too. All my talks about my childhood were coming upto him.
On the road, I was wondering what’s in store for me. How i wished i could rewind the recording of my rly colony days and start putting all the faces and events in place so that i can recognise all. Nevertheless, i though why not play it as it comes and moreover playing the recognition game will be fun. FB buddies should not be a problem, however.
On reaching Maria Plaza, parked the car and while getting out of the car I saw 2 guys standing at the gate of the plaza. I recognised both of them, Ranga and Sunil Deo. Ha.. i thought i think i am doing good and they were not on FB. What a start!
Into the lift and onto the floor of the action. The moment i entered the hall I could see a whole lot of people and my various neural faculties started working hard to place everybody in hall and believe me it was working really hard. The immediate game of housie gave me a chance to have a real close look at all of them and recognise most. In the process i forgot to call a ‘jaldi five’. However, it was compensated later with a full house!
Thereafter the game of introductions and recognising started and believe me i performed very well. Except for some who really beat me with their totally changed looks. Hema Joshi!
I wonder how time changes the way you look, the way you behave, the way you talk, they way you change the way you perceive other people to be. All those friends who were about 5 years younger were considered as our juniors and of the generation younger than ours in the colony and were not allowed to play with us, were called ‘kachha linboos’ even if they played, were today looked by us as a part of our generation. Those 10 year olds, who we 16 yr olds, considered kids were on Sunday looked upon by us as our generation. How times changes the way you perceive and so easily.
This amazed me so much and made me feel so happy while i was driving back home after the re-union while playing ‘koi lauta de mere beetey huey din’ on my car system.
A big THANKS to Uncles, Aunties and Friends to have come there and given me an opportunity to relive my younger days and make me feel younger again.
A big HIP HIP HURRAY to Guppi, Mitu and Nilesh to have organised this event with great elan, persistence and planning.
And until next year we meet again... and friends ‘WE CAN BECAUSE WE THINK WE CAN!’
That is why I wished Sunday never ended!
joydip Kapadia
central railway qrts
rb III 271/8
parel Bombay 400012


  1. I still have an image embedded in my mind, of you, walking in the railway colony, in a blue jeans and a blue shirt, with a brown leather bag. You would invariably be coming from a long travel abroad and I would always be amazed by your poise and grace. This must have been atleast 20 years ago, but, on Sunday when i met you, i realised that nothing about you has changed and you still have the same poise, grace and an enriched personality. Wish some of it would have rubbed-off... It was great to meet you after such a long time...!! :)

  2. Nice one Joydip..I was one of the "kaccha linboos" :)

    Chethan (Ramachandra)
